How your current & future reality is impacted by your past experiences.

Hi I'm Lindy!

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, my heartbeat is to help others find healing and advocate for relational restoration. I believe there is GREAT hope for our relational health when we are willing to do heart and hard work. I've seen the powerful freedom and restoration that can take place when we learn about trauma and attachment: concepts that most certainly touch each of our lives.

Let's explore how your current reality is impacted by your past experiences. 


When we ignore, neglect or simply aren't aware of any traumas or toxic stress impacts from the past... We risk staying in stuck points, and we risk continued disconnection or disruption within relationships. 


When we connect the dots from our past we can make shifts along the way for increased relational connection, healthier patterns and deeper sources of relational support.

That’s Why I Created These Courses

with YOU in mind! 

HEALING TRAUMA: From Awareness To Freedom

Trauma is something that touches ALL of our lives whether we have experienced it ourselves OR we love someone who has been impacted by it. Or both. And here’s the deal, when you and I take time to learn about trauma, better understand its impact, and equip ourselves with trauma-informed tools, EVERYONE BENEFITS. 

ATTACHMENT: Understanding Mine & Shaping Theirs

Exploring your attachment today allows you to make literal and felt changes impacting generations that come after you. And who doesn't want that? Simply doing our part to shape healthier relational patterns for our family today and for years to come.

What Clients & Collaborators are saying

“Lindy Green Johnson is a highly skilled coach who combines authentic warmth with her own expertise in getting to the root of the problem, and crafting a path to health. I highly recommend her services.”

- John Townsend, Ph.D.
(New York Times bestselling author of Boundaries Founder, Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling)

“Lindy brings professional expertise and a rare depth of personal experience to her coaching practice as she interacts with her clients and colleagues. Her teaching, training, counseling, and input as a colleague, and as a friend, have greatly influenced my own consulting work with leaders and creatives as I seek to understand how early life experiences--including trauma--shape the adult choices and perspectives of my own clients."

- Beth Graybill, Executive Coach

“I am so thankful for both of these workshops. I very much appreciated the opportunity to watch them and then take the time to really process and reflect on them with the LORD. The information was so concise. I am glad that I am able to go back and re-watch them. I am thankful for how the information is a tool God has given me as He continues to heal and grow me.”

- Course Student “A”

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