Let's talk about the BRAIN
What do you THINK?
Do you find yourself wondering if your own brain or your child’s brain may be screwed on straight? When you find yourself in a moment either so lost yourself or convinced there is legitimately something wrong with your family members brain. Yeah. We’ve all been there. Know that you are not alone and know that what may look crazy, may actually make perfect sense given you or your child’s history.
What we KNOW - The Research
Due to years of amazing research, we know that the brain is plastic. Though the term “plastic” has always initially sounded weird or confusing to me, this simply means that our brains can change throughout our lives. This is amazing and encouraging news for you and me, our children and young adults, our spouses and family members who have experienced trauma. Where traumatic experiences and unsafe relationships have harmed the brain, we know that safe experiences and healthy experiences can heal the brain!
True healing does not come without great intentionality and hard work.
Rewiring your own brain and/or your child’s brain requires deep commitment to applying best practices of relational connection, emotionally intelligent parenting and possible counseling to continue gaining insight and practical tools for your specific needs.
What we NEED - Encouragement
Today I want to encourage you that there is hope for the brain that has a history of trauma. On the days when you may wonder if your brain or a family members brain is working right, remember that the brain may be functioning in an instinctual way to maintain safety or even to keep them alive. Though the current environment may not require such instincts and behaviors to maintain safety, it will take time for the brain to adapt to the felt safety offered in a new home, work environment, family, etc.
What to REMEMBER - “What fires together wires together”
Remember, what fires together, wires together. So, when you find yourself in fun, light-hearted, playful moments of connection - be intentional with those moments when the brain is highly engaged to wire new healthy memories and associations together in relationship!